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With the establishment of the church foundation, a foundation account was opened.

Donations in Austria:

Erste Bank
Account holder: Korbgemeinschaft
IBAN: AT94 2011 1828 5755 6000

If you want your donation in Austria to be tax deductible, please use the bank account of Hilfswerk Initiative Christlicher Orient (ICO) and indicate your date of birth:

Hypo Oberösterreich
Account holder: ICO
IBAN: AT42 5400 0000 0045 4546

Payment purpose: Korbgemeinschaft (it is important to mention this payment purpose to that the donation reaches us)

Donations in Germany:

German citizens can transfer their donations via missio-München (with the payment purpose indicated below). They will receive a donation receipt which can be used for tax deduction purposes in Germany.

Liga Bank-München
Account holder: missio-München
IBAN: DE96 7509 0300 0800 0800 04

Payment purpose: 58159 Ghoneim (if you add this note, the full amount of your donation will be transferred to the account of Korbgemeinschaft).